Saturday, January 31, 2009

English Grammar Tenses

Are you any good at English tenses? Try getting this exercise done and let’s see how well you did it.

1. (Do/Does/Did) anyone object if I switch the TV channel?

2. I (will/have/will have) come to the conclusion that Indonesians are getting ignorant about social issues.

3. No matter what happens next I (will, would, will be) keep in touch with you.

4. They (were/had been/have been) running for a few hours when the problem came up all of a sudden.

5. I assumed you (have been/are/had been) paying for the rent until the end of this semester.

6. (Will/Did/Do) you ever feel bored of doing the same thing every day?

7. She (will be/is/has been) collecting the data by January next year.

8. I (go/went/have gone) to that village once and haven’t visited again since.

9. She (keeps/is keeping/kept) trying to persuade her professor but it never works out.

10. I (am wanting/want/have wanted) everybody to be quiet now as I try this experiment.

Send your answers to: and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP.